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Contributor program

Are you passionate about music production? Join our community of contributors and share your creations with us. As a contributor, you will receive a discount on your membership, and have exclusive access to our community events and resources.

Discount on your plan

Our contributor program offers great benefits, including discounts on your plan. Weekly contributors get a 30% discount, while monthly contributors receive a 10% discount. As a contributor, you'll also have access to exclusive content and features. Sign up today to take advantage of these amazing benefits!

Making Music
Man on Computer

Upload below

We're dedicated to building a community of talented musicians and producers at Producers Playfield. If you're interested in contributing your work to our platform, we invite you to upload your content using the form below. Our team will review your submission and contact you if selected. Thanks for being part of our community and helping us grow!

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Thanks for contributing!

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